
What to Expect During an Archaeological Survey

If you're a builder planning to begin construction work on a site that may be of historical importance, the first step should always be archaeological surveying. This is often done when building in areas with a history of human occupation or areas that have the potential for archaeological discoveries. But what can you expect during an archaeological survey? Scroll down to find out more! What is Archaeological Surveying? Archaeological surveying is incredibly important for historical preservation.

A Guide On The Work Of Building Surveyors

In Australia, building surveyors are professionals that inspect buildings to ensure they comply with the building code and the local planning laws. Below is an extensive excerpt on the work of building surveyors and the considerations to make when hiring a surveyor.  When Do You Need A Building Surveyor?  You will need a building surveyor when:  Building or Renovating Your Home A building surveyor is a critical aspect of the construction process.

Building Permit: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Construction is an exciting yet overwhelming process. It is exciting because it brings a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction to the owner. On the other side, the process is vast because it involves several requirements and challenges. One of the essential requirements for starting a new building is a building permit. The licence is a must-have document when renovating an old building, constructing a new structure or installing a swimming pool, deck or more.

Top tips for seniors looking for work

With many seniors facing the financial realities of a longer lifespan, the Australian workforce is increasingly populated by older workers. It can be difficult, however, to find a suitable employment role when you're approaching or have reached retirement age. If you're looking for an encore career, check out these top tips to help you find the perfect job for your abilities and needs. Revamp your resume A chronological resume detailing your entire employment history may be overwhelming for prospective employers, and will emphasize your age.

Important Evidence in De Facto Relationships

It is vital to understand immigration laws and regulations that apply to de facto relationships before applying for a Visa. The De Facto visa is for unmarried partners who meet specified conditions and it is also officially known as the 820 Visa or Australia Partner visa. Typically, this visa grant remains valid for two years and you can apply for permanent residence after the period. If there are children born from the relationship or the partnership is considered long-standing, you may be eligible for direct permanent residence in Australia.

Why Plan for a Site Analysis Before Purchasing Land for Development

If you're a property developer looking to purchase land for development you want to ensure you know everything about the parcel before even making an offer. This includes its physical characteristics, so you know if it's the right choice for building any type of structure. However, you also need to know more about the land when considering property development, and this is where a comprehensive site analysis can assist. Note a few aspects of this process and why you want to plan for site analysis before purchasing any land for development.

Do De Facto Couples Need a Binding Financial Agreement?

A de facto couple is a couple (same sex or different sexes) that are in a sexual relationship, live together (fully or part time) and act like a married couple, except these couples are not married legally. You may be wondering whether you need a binding financial contract if you are in a de facto relationship. This article explains the situations under which this contract would help you. Specifying How Spousal Maintenance Matters Should Be Handled

Why A Home Inspection Is Very Important

Some people debate whether they should invest the time and money required for a home inspection to be done before they buy a home or whether they should just forgo this step and close the deal. This article discusses some important reasons why you should have a home inspected before you buy it. It Gives You A Legitimate Reason To Back Out Of A Purchase A building inspection can reveal to you defects that you cannot see with your naked eye, such as structural problems like a foundation that has settled.

Do You Need a Building Inspection?

Before buying a house, one of the most important things you must do is have the house inspected by a professional inspector. Purchasing a house is not really cheap, so why would you spend even more money on repairs? This article will focus on what a building inspection can reveal, as well as why you should not skip this procedure. What Home Inspectors Examine   While home inspectors vary in their thoroughness, ability, as well as experience, a great building inspector should carefully examine all components of the house you want to buy, and in the end provide a report that thoroughly states the issues found.